Sunday, August 30, 2009

About Algorithm


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an algorithm that tries to figure out why the lamp doesn't turn on and tries to fix it using the steps.Flowcharts are often used to graphically represent algorithms.
In mathematicscomputinglinguistics, and related subjects, an algorithm is an effective method for solving a problem using a finite sequence of instructions. Algorithms are used for calculationdata processing, and many other fields.
Each algorithm is a list of well-defined instructions for completing a task. Starting from an initial state, the instructions describe a computation that proceeds through a well-defined series of successive states, eventually terminating in a final ending state. The transition from one state to the next is not necessarily deterministic; some algorithms, known as probabilistic algorithms, incorporate randomness.
A partial formalization of the concept began with attempts to solve the Entscheidungsproblem (the "decision problem") posed by David Hilbert in 1928. Subsequent formalizations were framed as attempts to define "effective calculability"[1] or "effective method"[2]; those formalizations included the Gödel-Herbrand-Kleene recursive functions of 1930, 1934 and 1935, Alonzo Church's lambda calculus of 1936, Emil Post's "Formulation 1" of 1936, and Alan Turing's Turing machines of 1936–7 and 1939.

MSDN site

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tutorials in using the Barcode Font in Excel

All the functions available in the Encoder like generating a check digit, formatting the encoded barcode string and adding of start/stop characters are also available as Microsoft Office Macros. It is extremely easy to create and print barcodes in Excel.
Please make sure that ConnectCode has been installed on your computer.

Set the Security Settings in Excel

  1. Launch Microsoft Excel
  2. Click on the menu Tools->Macro->Security...
  3. Set the security to Medium
The above steps only need to be carried out once in Excel



Import the VBA macros to Excel
  1. Launch Microsoft Excel
  2. Click on the menu Tools->Macro->Visual Basic Editor.
  3. Click on the menu File->Import File...
  4. Select the Encoder.bas file that is bundled with ConnectCode. This file is located in the Resource sub directory where ConnectCode is installed
  5. Click on Save followed by Close in the Visual Basic Editor

Creating a barcode in Excel
  1. Launch Microsoft Excel
  2. Create a new Excel Spreadsheet.
  3. Key in the data "1234" in the cell A1 as shown below. Leave the next column for the barcode.

  4. Enter the macro function in cell B1. For example, to encode a Code 39 barcode, set this cell to "=Encode_Code39(A1)".
  5. Hit the Enter key to see the encoded barcode string "*1234A*"
  6. Change the font in the cell containing the encoded barcode string (cell B1) to CCode39_S3. You can also choose a different font size to adjust the height.
  7. You can enter more data in the first column. After which you can encode them as barcode by copying and pasting the encoding function in the second column.
To encode other type of barcodes like Code 128 or UPC/EAN barcode or I2of5, simply use the appropriate functions/macros listed in the section List of Barcode Macros/Functions

create your own qr codes in Excel

Sub getQR()
' getQR Macro
Dim resource As String
'filter out non-text cells (remove this line if you want to return QR codes for other cell types)
Set sel = Selection.SpecialCells(xlTextValues)
'add a new sheet for the output
Set news = Worksheets.Add()
news.Name = "QR codes"
Set op = news.Range("A1" )
'do da biz
For Each acc In sel
resource = acc.Value
'technically you should probably escape the string, but it works without
resource = "" & resource
'140,140 is the size of the shape. This was arbitrary and is probably wrong 
'using a shape is a hack to avoid a problem with Office 2007 not inserting pics from web resources
Set newshape = news.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, op.Left, op.Top, 140, 140)
'name it in case we want to use it again later (we don't use this at the moment though)
newshape.Name = resource
'get rid of the surrounding line
newshape.Line.Visible = False
'load that there QR code up into the graphic
newshape.Fill.UserPicture (resource)
'move to the next position on the output sheet
Set op = op.Offset(11, 0).Range("A1" )
op.Value = acc.Value
Set op = op.Offset(2, 0).Range("A1" )

End Sub

The Sydney Morning Herald Technology Headlines



